4A Meaning | Session Chair: Raymond Quek
Benjamin Chavardes (University of Montpellier Paul Valéry), ‘From Borromini to Portoghesi: The Conception of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Salerno’
James O’Connor (University of Cambridge), ‘Constructing a Perpetual Memorial, a Topography of the A-Topical: The Rothko Chapel’s Eucharistic Challenge to Perspectival Modernity’
Stephen Hackett (University of New South Wales, Sydney), ‘The Quest for Ideal Catholic Space: Liturgical Ordering in Postconciliar Church Design’
Steven Schloeder (Independent, Phoenix, Arizona), ‘Between Amnesia and Anamnesis: Loss and Recovery of Meaning in Church Architecture’
4B Architects | Session Chair: Rev. Peter Newby
Samuel D. Albert (Fashion Institute of Technology, New York), ‘Antonio Barluzzi and the Forms of Church Architecture in the Holy Land’
Dominic Wilkinson (Liverpool John Moores University), ‘Transitions in the Work of F. X. Velarde’
Luis Burriel Bielza (Unit 1, University Camillo Jose' Cela, Madrid), ‘Le Corbusier: Liturgical Space Versus “Espace Indicible” at the Church of Saint-Pierre, Firminy’
11.00 Break
11.30 Session 5
5A Hybridity | Session Chair: Victoria M. Young
Andrew Crompton (University of Liverpool), ‘The Outer Limits of Ecumenicalism: Heathrow Airport Chapel’
Robert Proctor (Glasgow School of Art), ‘Hybrid Spaces of Worship: Multi-Functional Catholic Church Architecture in Post-War Britain’
Catherine Osborne (Fordham University), ‘A Tent in the Desert? American Catholics and Flexible Worship Space in the 1960s and 1970s’
5B Culture | Session Chair: Judi Loach
Charlotte Wildman (University of Manchester), ‘The Cathedral That Never Was? Catholic Architecture and Modernity in 1930s Liverpool’
Maria Gonzalez Pendas (Columbia University, New York), ‘Updating the Sacred: Christian Abstractions and Architectural Discourse in Franco’s Spain’
Kathleen James-Chakraborty (University College Dublin), ‘Catholic Church Architecture and National Identity in the German Federal Republic: 1949-1968’
13.00 Close